I'm sure you're laughing already at the title of this post.hehehe.
Oh well, it's a funny/serious matter o as I have told everyone that cares to listen that i'm in pursuit of that flat belle for real..
There was a time when if I had to attend an event and I wanted to put on a dress that will give off a killer bod! All I needed to do was skip breakfast and I was good to go..'model l'omo. Hahaha
In recent times, this is sadly not the case. My tummy has started bulging out and i'm not even pregnant. .at least not yet.
I've tried exercise routines but i'm too much of a lazy missus and eez nor good..*sigh
However, since I really want to get my my 'youthful-modelly' groove back, here are a few things i'm doing to make sure this flat tummy pursuit is not just a wish but a by force reality oo.*covers face
*Wake up early enough. At least 6:45am
*Drink lots of water.
*10 sit-ups every morning
*Run up and down the stairs every morning.
Note that; i'm still a work in progress o. Hopefully i'll give y'all a progress report in a month.
Oya, prayers for continuity o! *laughs
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