Relationships are beautiful and dreamy when you're with the Right One. ( note the emphasis on the R in right) that's cause it's very important that relationships are shared with the one that completes you in everyway.
However, let me point out that no matter how dreamy and mushy a relationship may seem,  there are loads of work that go on in the background. A good number of behind -the-scene quarrels, disagreement and shout-downs sef but ultimately,  disagree to agree. Commitment to each other to stick together,
love genuinely no matter how challenging and uncertain life may be.

I recently read an article on relationships. In the article, I understood that Cinderella and all her fairytale princess colleagues have same theme, order of events and conclusion: brought up in a humble home, maltreated as a result of an unfortunate incident, Prince charming finds her; sweeps her off her feet, they  live happily ever after and they walk into the sunset.
They never really tell us that challenges will show its face once in a while and prince charming has his own skoin, skoin as he's charming but not perfect.
After reading this article, my mind set changed!
Watch out for part 2..hehehe


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