Chronicles of a spill over student

  I'm that girl that had a non-challant attitude in my first year.Had lots of friends who were convenient distractions.Attended classes at my convenience.Ended up with terrible grades,had bad time management and a im paying dearly for it!
This is my Story!


Course code: Eng 155
Attendance:  First class
State of mind:Embarrassed

I had the first class for Eng 155 today with the new young intakes in year one.For the first time, it was difficult because it felt really strange but very courageous at the same time.The excitement in my younger colleagues and the zeal for knowledge baffled me as I remembered how i was like them when I just got my admission too. Dr Taiye who took us in year 4 seemed to be more at home with this students obviously because their minds were still fresh.Yearning to learn and seeking to be in her good books.As she told those same jokes that we got tired and bored of.Fortunately,this jokes got a good reception and reaction from them.
The determination I can see:the zeal I can almost catch;the spirit to learn I have a good hold on.One thing is for sure.These students are excited to be in the university setting especially amongst their colleagues .Yet I can tell straight from their hearts that I am the odd one out cause I can feel their eyes on me,almost pulling my clothes..but I stay strong,encouraged with sheer determination to pass over this stage of my life as life itself is in stages and phases!

       WEEK 2

Course Code:  Eng 155
Attendance:    Second class
State of Mind: Dizzy,Disgust

For the record!I'm feeling really dizzy and I fear that I'm going to fall off my seat now...God please help me o! Its not  up to an hour yet and the spirit of sleep has exchanged baton with the spirit of attentiveness.
Its my second time for Eng 155 class and I still feel a little alienated from this class and out of place but I realised that as time goes on, I get bolder and more courageous unlike last week where I sat at the tail end of the class. Today, I choose to sit in front of the class and even got my bag a comfortable sit. My bag somehow poses on the chair with an air of confidence.That's right!but the truth is many at times, when we find ourselves in really tough situations, we wish we could trade places with objects or things for a particular moment. Sometimes we often wish that things take our place for a moment. Who really is noticing if my bag came for an extra year or not? My black shiny sliver bag balances comfortably on a sit of its own, while I, the madam sits so uncomfortably on my well furnished student chair. I bet if my bag could get a grasp of what I am writing now. The damned bag will definitely be beaming with smiles. And here comes the unbelievable confession... I am jealous of my bag who seems to go unnoticed in this class where I feel like a stranger. If the truth be told at this moment  I wouldn't mind swapping places with my bag whose ego has obviously gotten a boost today of all days and in this class of all classes, but even at that I wonder, if this bag has ever envied me before. if you ask me... na the bag make you ask!


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