Neck Deep in Decadence

My darling country is 52 plus yet there are unending tales of corruption, overwhelming poverty in a country that is endowed with wealth in natural resources. How my country can still be struggling at this age still baffles me especially because her African sister countries have advanced and progressed with whatever resources they've got. I cannot over emphasize the fact that a country as blessed as Nigeria cannot afford stable electricity;Security of her citizens are threatened, Kidnapping is now a money-spinning business. As ridiculous as this sounds,it is the truth!
 To add to all this mess,Nigerians are seeking refuge outside the shores of our land. A good number couldn't care less what they do to survive there no matter how demeaning the conditions may be. Living there is all they long for. Some will rather die in "oyinbo man's land" than come back .
A good example is the case of a 21 year old dude who according to reports, hung himself in the UK cell for fear of being deported. As I read of the youngster with utter shock and despair, I couldn't fathom how a 21 year old with dreams and aspirations,healthy and sane felt his life was useless and worthless if he got deported to the land of his birth. It was reported on BBC that he (Balogun)moved to the UK at the age of 7. A senior officer,Paul Mayfield at the hearing said that he was scared of being deported back to Nigeria and according to him, Balogun said   he told me he had nothing to live for. "He said I'll  be deported back to Nigeria, I've got no-one back there. I'll be living in the slums." BBC reports
In all honesty, if Nigeria is not bathed daily in moral decadence (violence,extortion and embezzlement of funds,failed promises,high percentage of unemployment,walking-dead structures and facilities, high rate in crime and increasing high standard of living.) Even the youth will not be pessimistic about the  future.
The extent to which moral decadence has eaten deep into Nigeria is poignant and unfortunate.
However, we continue to hold on to that strand of hope reassuring ourselves that all hope is not lost.
I look forward to  the time when Nigerians will see positive changes that will birth the Nigeria of their dreams.One that will make foreigners rush to be a part of the revolution. A better and developed Naija.
Our hope is in GOD and Help, genuine Help is coming!!



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